12:53 PM


Instantanee surprinse pe drumul dintre Calugareni si Branistari

Pofta de viata

Inapoi spre casa

In tandem

Dupa o zi de munca

La tara


Sfarsitul zilei


Flori nemuritoare

Floare de camp

Acum e soare...

Acum sta sa ploua...

Vine furtuna

9:50 AM

Turkish Barbecue

Last Sunday me and some friends had a Turkish barbecue :))

Well... OK, it wasn't an entirely Turkish barbecue (because most of us were Romanian) but the front yard party was hosted by some friends of mine who are Turkish. We had lots of fun and the food was great (thanks to Coz and Suha who were in charge with barbecue supervision). Because I promised them to share the pictures (I didn't say how I'll do that) I decided to post them here :D

So, staring (in sepia coating) :

Suha (the host)

Suha's Wife 2 B (Andreea)

Suha's Sis with Boyfriend (Yagmur and Moritz)


My love (Coz)



And introducing:


Madalina's friend - but I can't remember her name, I am so sorry :(

The barbecue:

And... my personal favorite:

My doggy chasing Suha's cat :))))))))

Note: If you want to see a bigger version of the pictures than just click them! :)

Kisses!! :*

The END!


4:01 PM

Summer Power !!!

Mai nou am descoperit o noua pasiune!

Dat fiind faptul ca a venit (intai primavara si apoi) vara, toate florile au inflorit, toate gâzele au inceput sa iasa si am si avut parte de o vreme numai buna - o gramada de soare dar si ploi rapizi si raslete (ma rog... pana zilele astea cand a inceput sa se faca simtita canicula)

Asa ca am inceput sa fotografiez flori si gângănii :))

Am facut o gramada de poze... unele mai reusite, altele mai putin reusite.. si altele foarte...
Dar ma rog... sa nu mai intram in detalii.

Iata cateva fotografii cu flori si gâze, creatie proprie:

City Flower


Sky Rose

B Pink!



Violet Life

Incet... incetisor

Vi Si Ne!!
